Iowa Students in STEM


Featuring Ella and Shreyas, members of the STEM Council Youth Advisory Board

The Iowa Youth Advisory Board was established under the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council in 2017 and is instrumental in contributing to the STEM Council’s mission and inspiring Iowa youth to engage in STEM opportunities.  We asked two Youth Advisory Board members some questions to get to know them better and highlight the important work of the Youth Advisory Board!

Why did you choose to join the Iowa STEM Youth Advisory Board?

Ella: I chose to join the Iowa STEM Youth Advisory Board because I love inspiring future STEM and dream-makers to do what they’re passionate about. I joined to expand my own knowledge of STEM and to collaborate with my fellow leaders across Iowa.

Shreyas: I joined the STEM Council as I believe it is a fantastic opportunity to be able to reach out to communities throughout Iowa and stimulate interest in STEM—especially in rural or underserved areas. The Youth Advisory Board provides a great platform for me to be able to voice my opinions, and in turn, create a positive impact on our local communities.

What are some of your goals for the Youth Advisory Board?

Shreyas: I think one of the most important things the Youth Advisory Board if focused on accomplishing is to spread STEM to as many people as possible, especially those without easy access to STEM such as in rural communities. Bringing programs like robotics, and other STEM-related clubs to areas that currently lack accessibility will allow us to increase the scope of STEM education in Iowa.

Ella: One goal I had for the Youth Advisory Board was to be able to spread STEM further than Iowa. For example, we are currently in the process of creating social media for the board in order to share our love for STEM to anyone we can and inspire them to share the love in their own areas!

Why do you think STEM education is important for Iowa students?

Ella: STEM education is important for Iowa students because by creating early interest in it, it allows them to create a clearer path for what they want to do in the future. By creating this clear path, they can take more classes they’re interested in, join STEM extracurriculars to continue their love for it and collaborate with others who love STEM!

Shreyas: STEM education is important for Iowa students, as well as all students, due to the growing market and demand for STEM-related jobs and careers. Nowadays, STEM is integrated into each and every occupation, and students must be taught essential STEM skills that will set them up for success in the future.

Which area of STEM is your favorite to learn about? Why?

Shreyas: I enjoy the engineering and math aspects of STEM the most, as I participate in robotics and CAD. I hope to continue these practices in my future career as well.

Ella: Science is my favorite area to learn about. It’s my favorite because it includes so many areas to explore and experiment. For example, I love learning about the anatomy of the human body and the psychology of the human brain—how it contributes to the decisions we make.

What is your dream job?

Ella:  I have two dream jobs. The first one is to be a physician’s assistant specializing in either cardiology or gynecology. I love the idea of being a PA because if I don’t like a specific field I’m in, I can move around to an area I’m more comfortable. I also love the idea of being a PA because I get to work with people all day. I can help find solutions to the problems they struggle with that I may have struggled with myself. My second dream job is to professionally play in pit orchestras for musicals. I play flute, bassoon, alto saxophone and baritone saxophone. I already do this for my high school, but I would love to continue to do this because I love being in the theater environment. I enjoy the type of people in this environment, and not to mention I absolutely LOVE musicals and their soundtracks. Contributing to productions as amazing as Broadway musicals is an absolute dream.

Shreyas: I’m not exactly sure what my dream job might look like, but it would probably be in the engineering field, specifically mechanical or software engineering.

Thank you, Ella, Shreyas and all board members, for your contributions to the Iowa Youth Advisory Board!

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